"The desert bears only a scathing sun, and nothing more."
"What about mirages?"

Friday, December 31, 2010


Slow moving
sits in bones
promise rings
tightly coiled
around fingers
brimming with
It means nothing
and yet
so much.

- - -
I have a co-worker who wears a promise ring. Her boyfriend of six months gave it to her. She's freshly sixteen.

I was just thinking that to her, that must mean the whole world. It must be so important to her. And yet, it's an empty promise.


  1. 3 emotions of my youth, Happiness, Pain, then Healing. Come to think about it, it still looks the same now.

  2. One of the self-evident truths as we get older is that the 'important' things become less-so, and vice-versa. Nice follow-up comment to your piece.

  3. You have a lot of wisdom for seventeen. This poem says a whole lot in a few lines. Love "lethargy sits in bones like promise rings" and "means nothing and yet so much." So well written!!!!!

  4. like promise ring, your point nicely made friend

  5. Very nice piece of writing. You have a talent for writing, for someone so young. I mean that as a compliment. Keep writing.

  6. What a great poem of young love and hope. I hope the promise ring does mean something to him as well as her.

  7. You write so well and empty promises maybe - but today it means everything and that is all we have(today) and your good writing...bkm


"Write with our backs to the wind and our faces to the hard, bleaching sun."