"The desert bears only a scathing sun, and nothing more."
"What about mirages?"

Friday, October 22, 2010


Nothing is
a harder blow
than a hole
burnt in
the shallow pocket
of new blue

- - -

This is in light of spending money. I'm generally a very frugal person, but just within the last two days, I got a hundred dollar haircut (mohawk!) and spent eight hundred on a lovely new laptop, which runs like a charm and is just so nice to type on.


  1. http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/2010/10/23/6244/

    Thanks a lot for the support to Jingle Poetry Potluck, I could not always find time to show how much we appreciate your support, here, three awards for you, hope to see you in of week 7, our theme is love and romance. Happy Monday, Happy Blogging! xxx


"Write with our backs to the wind and our faces to the hard, bleaching sun."